Apple A15 Bionic a 21% increase in CPU performance.

 According to the report, the reasons behind the disappointing processor performance of the A15 come down to the human factor. Apple recently lost a number of notable employees, including the man who designed the company’s A series chips. A7 to A. A12X, Gerard Williams III. And then all hell broke loose. A Geekbench Metal score (which measures GPU performance) was leaked, showing a result of 14,216. The alleged device (iPhone 14.2 AKA iPhone 13 Pro) got 55 inches longer than the 9123 recorded by the iPhone 12 and the A14 Bionic SoC. Another report from AppleInsider painted a different picture of processor performance. The tech site looked at processor stats uploaded by Geekbench users and found that the iPhone 13 had an average single-core score of 1730 and an average multi-core score of 4621, an increase of about 10% and 21% respectively.

A15 benchmarks show a 21 CPU performance gain over A14 but theres a caveat

compared to the score of iPhone 12 in the same tests. The A15 benchmarks show a 21% increase in CPU performance over the A14, but there is a caveat. However, this result should be taken with caution. Users have posted comments showing yet another Geekbench test score of the iPhone 13, which is said to offer a more realistic actual result and a better comparison to the A14 Bionic. 

iPhone 12 Pro Max – iOS 14.71 – Geekbench 5.4.1 – Sept. 15th 2021

A14 @ 2.99 GHz
Singe Core Score: 1605
Multi Core Score: 4294

iPhone 14,2 – iOS 15 – Geekbench 5.4.1 – Sept. 15th 2021

A15 @ 3.22 GHz
Singe Core Score: 1728 (+7.6% over A14)
Multi Core Score: 4695 (+9.3% over A14)


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Looking at the scores above, it is clear that the A15 Bionic has a higher clock speed than its predecessor. The much more modest increase in performance (89%) could be attributed to the higher frequency of the new chip. Our opinion We really had to judge the performance of a chip that has not yet officially been released. Yes, we understand that it is odd to say the least that Apple is omitting the improved processor performance of the A15 over the A14. The company never misses an opportunity to show how much better its new products are than the previous generation. That said, Geekbench scores are a bit unreliable at the moment.As far as we know, these scores could come from early samples or they could be mere fakes. The only way to get real Geekbench scores is to wait for production models to hit stores and then for reviewers. Is CPU performance that important? And then there’s the real benefit of a 10% synthetic increase in the benchmark. We’re talking about the fastest mobile chipset, but the A14 Bionic still tops the benchmark rankings, and no one would call the iPhone 12 slow.

15 apple a15 bionic szczegoly specyfikacji technicznej nowego soc ze smartfonow serii apple iphone 13 1

 Additionally, the way Apple optimizes its ecosystem and applications in general helps the actual performance of the iPhone tremendously. Sometimes people get obsessed with numbers and “just” a 10% increase seems like the end of the world. And to be fair, the CPU and GPU computing power of modern smartphones is way beyond what most use cases require. So, in the end, we suggest that you don’t pay too much attention to synthetic benchmarks (leaks) and wait for technical reviews.

Geekbench iPhone 13 scores

source: PhoneArena


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