Apple tested the ceramic version of the Apple Watch two years before it was released.

The ceramic version of the Apple Watch dates back to 2014, but according to current images, this highend model was not released with Apple Watch Series 2 until 2016. Sharing from the prototype case.

Apple tested the ceramic version of the Apple Watch two years before it was released.
Source- macRumors 

The image posted on Twitter by the prototype manufacturerDongleBookProshows the original prototype of the white ceramic Apple Watch manufactured in 2014. The device runs on internal software for testing, and was built long before watchOS was released.

But it looks a lot like the white ceramic version of the Apple Watch Edition released in 2016. The 2014 prototype picture shows that Apple is already developing a ceramic Apple Watch Edition, but for reasons that are not yet clear, the company decided to only provide the original Apple Watch made of 18k gold and a ceramic case instead of a gold watch.

Apple tested the ceramic version of the Apple Watch two years before it was released.

2016 Series 2 was launched, the version replaced in the eup line. Ceramic Apple Watch Series 0 1 Apple has sold the white ceramic Apple Watch Edition as a highend model. The retail price of its extremely unique finish is $1,249. At the time, Apple praised the ceramic case for being strong, light and scratchresistant, four times harder than the stainless steel finish, but with a “light pearl finish. It is very resistant to scratches and discoloration.

Apple Watch Edition starts with highstrength zirconia powder, combined with alumina to form a rich white color. Then each box is compression molded, sintered and diamond polished to obtain a very smooth surface. And exquisite luster. Through this precise processing, the production of each Apple Watch Edition box takes several days. Apple introduced the white ceramic Apple Watch Edition in Series 2 and expanded ceramic options with the new version.

Apple tested the ceramic version of the Apple Watch two years before it was released.
Source- macRumors 

Gray Series 3 Although Series 4 does not have a ceramic Apple Watch version, Apple has restored a high-quality white ceramic model for Series 5. The only cheaper option is the titanium case. Some fans of the exclusive white finish look forward to the ceramic option for the next Apple Watch. Due to the continuous changes in the availability of models in recent years, Series 7 seems to be more likely, but


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