January 9, which marks 15 years since Apple CEO Steve Jobs took the stage at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco, California, and unveiled the iPhone, a device that would change the world forever.
Smartphones of the day relied on a limited display area, hardware keyboards and stylus for on-screen interaction, but the “iPhone” stood out because it had a limited number of buttons. physical and instead relied on a multitouch screen, which was more intimate and interactive.
First iPhone Unveiled By Steve Jobs
For on-screen interaction, smartphones of the time depended on a small display area, hardware keyboards, and a stylus, but the “iPhone” distinguished apart since it featured only a few buttons. Instead of using a physical device, a multitouch screen was used, which was more personal and engaging. according to Jobs, is a combination of three new products: an iPod with touch controls, a phone, and a revolutionary Internet communication device. “Today, Apple is going to revolutionise the phone,” Jobs said, and he was dead on.
No other smartphone maker has been able to match Apple’s deep hardware and software integration or unprecedented chip design, which is why iPhones continue to be the smartphone of choice for many. people around the world. Apple in January 2021 claimed that there were over a billion active iPhones in the world, a staggering number, and the success of “the iPhone” prompted Apple to become the first company in the world to surpass one. valuation of 3 trillion dollars.
Every year, Apple manages to get us interested in a 15-year-old product with a new edition. The iPhone 14 will get several exciting changes, including the first notch-less design, which will see Apple use a hole-punch display to create a more accessible screen area.