Google AI-powered Magic Compose beta is here —  messages to generate suggestions

Google AI-powered Magic Compose beta is here —  messages to generate suggestions

In Magic Compose, you may do the following:

  • Suggested responses: Depending on the specifics of your chat, Magic Compose will offer several answers. If you’re discussing a movie, for instance, it can offer comments like “I really enjoyed that movie!” or “I’m eager to watch the follow-up.”
  • Styles: Also, Magic Compose may suggest different phrasings for your reply. For instance, you may choose a professional, informal, or awesome answer.
  • Tone: Magic Compose may suggest different tones for your comments. You may choose an enthusiastic, composed, or caustic reaction, for example.

Magic Compose, Google’s new Messages feature that utilizes AI to assist with text message writing, has officially started to roll out its beta version. Even if you’re using RCS with end-to-end encryption, the function comes with a very significant caveat: it will transmit up to “20 previous messages” to Google’s servers to produce recommendations (E2EE).

On the Magic Compose support page, Google explains these terms and notes that it will send these messages, along with any emoji, responses, and links contained, to its servers to aid its AI in creating the best possible answer. The company continues by stating that it won’t send any communications, including attachments, voice messages, or photographs, but adds that “voice transcriptions and image descriptions may be delivered.”

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E2EE was introduced by Google for the first time on the app in 2020, and group conversations started using it in late 2017. When you enable the function, other people will be able to read your communications, including Google. Despite the fact that Google’s servers will get your messages when you use Magic Compose with E2EE, the firm insists that it is still unable to read them.

The Verge was given more clarification from a Google representative, Justin Rende, who said that “conversation data utilized by Magic Compose is not maintained” and that “recommended answer outputs are not retained after they have been supplied to the user.” When Magic Compose is off, Google will stop sending your messages to its servers.


One of the numerous AI-powered innovations Google showcased at its I/O event earlier this month was Magic Compose. You may use the function to react to text messages with “stylized, recommended answers in the context of your communications,” according to Google. Beta Google Messaging users are presently receiving the functionality.

You’ll see a chat bubble adjacent to the app’s message composer if you have access to the functionality. You may then choose one of the recommended responses and proceed to recreate the text using one of the numerous preset writing styles, such as “cool,” “enthusiastic,” or “Shakespeare.” There is currently no information on when SMS or MMS support may be added, and the functionality seems to just be compatible with RCS communications.


Similar functionality was also released by Microsoft for its SwiftKey keyboard app. This enables you to create text messages and emails by selecting the Bing symbol from the app’s toolbar and modifying the recommended messages’ tone, structure, and length.



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