Teardown of the Apple watch series 7 reveals new display features and more.

 Apple Watch Series 7 does not have a revolutionary new design with flat sides. Instead, it’s the type of release that teardowns are built for: packed with mysteries that only an Apple developer could fully explain.

Inside, we discovered some startling display technology that would have been a problem to mass-produce, creating a chain of events of delays. The watch had no definite delivery date when Apple eventually revealed it last month, which is a warning flag that usually indicates manufacturing issues. (If you’re curious in how a group of ex-Apple engineers spend their time these days, keep reading—this is the type of costly production mistake they’ve come together to fix.)

Coming to the Watch

The first order of business, as always, is to get inside, and the bigger Series 7 screens aided us in this effort. For the first time, our basic suction handle can keep a firm grasp on the screen, allowing you to carefully elevate it until there’s enough area beneath the bezel to slip a pick below. To weaken the glue, just heat the display; we broiled ours face-down on a heating mat at 80° C.

AVvXsEg6qD07B5sf3gbv9E1Nv326fPGAPuP27yVDOsSA4pbkN8h cZNG0RRCNnkgWDETiLakq Xco9nFX40PgcczIxaKzGiHKud7Ev8y 4wFQ1l2M7x4aK5C05RCP08Yoke5wJcJujZyGHyRN5NJY1ZEM1 Kjv6upMzRuesA sYYftvP6TCEG9xZ4747rYKn5w=w640 h360

We convened with Creative Electron for the standard X-ray treatment while they simmered. (See the X-ray from our Series 6 teardown from last year.)

AVvXsEhD02rPugsoDkbnR1VY0U 53xTzBysIe0 PRPzcjHl69LbpuAEIfcg0XrWuTOzC8Dfjv6F0Riq L9NycTJUZiAHBTcy j5Y984Fp4sW7VfFBQtknM1inyJUYubzkSLMkmsc14f9pNmCS2d2f bIQ6vQRglZ tc1yp06HYu1yoSzWEbqHdVl07yrpGj 7g=w640 h480

Then all we had to do was get a pick in, pry it open, and make sure we didn’t snag or strain anything within this brand-new device. And we got along pretty smoothly! (It’s wonderful to be able to appear knowledgeable as the original Apple Watch designers peer over your shoulder—no pressure.)

AVvXsEhRyikIt sdAlEhBS6zs5TXLy8wphpK3PuK7mVInAbSIOI3t QrvDpX19yq1TK9gTmEt0PP9M H2jaszNajULmmv1afccy6E5m0TyoXKWcRHAtLSrqjg1HIIVxzd7N4FpCVMv Klehdi VK4SY3bheQrPTuhxsAwUe XXaCtALvmv9FQii3l8OCxnJdgA=w640 h480

AVvXsEgi PFqVFGl2G1mEVBFrjtLnWm GsDd6IJMAz8QpZghXL4i39v4BSsRqFYyQuQvZWhtzEDSxnsb0qIhGQ1UQen44se sqOmYQqyU9kk3zQqzRfikLtv4Q4nTv4E79dMiw5sOGpNzlcH9DEw9bwR3OlXkTfNJEDdii6Fwk1qkGc9i1WAyxSl MM92JeS5Q=w640 h480

Delays and Displays

The changes on the inside are modest, but important. Long-time Watch viewers will notice right away that the Series 7 lacks the fiddly bracket below the battery that formerly housed the diagnostic connection. According to rumours, Apple now employs a high-frequency wireless interface. There will be more on this later.

AVvXsEgUpT47EDG so8HqoAAerTtlsF0sRmBYz8MXD1jck2LJBSkAAXkKMEMwSXDo0g8WKJ AFN8tFdEl4wUgnuVBw3iIW7f89cTxG8hU d9b8qCGKHASy1yryqYQms7HuDZ9EnCb7KIGBjlDM2TwGIzkAiQ1L8ktJLIlbGzSKIz3iLbMreGNVp2Kpk0AT5kA=w640 h360

The modifications to the displays are a lot more noticeable. Despite being new and better, the Series 7 display appears to be less complicated at first sight. The classic Series 6 display had two conspicuous flex cable folds: one at the top for the touch sensor layer, and another at the bottom for the OLED panel itself, both clothed in dull green. However, the Series 7 managed to get away with only one flex.

AVvXsEgmiaSG4LB6QeOQaM9BLuxxpD1eebr YtwPioCSmZ38bKaaoGaSIKcVVXe1dockMIL97pohDhfV26FYGCgXUKqC4NeSsfvxIYdW3jzR9rCazGcQ eOSl0sdggSxPXsxR c1xOJTssjB NxLCSxuoI8h41iL4ly53Mnht67y ELjZzVYCp reKZW VsTKg=w640 h360

In a summary, this display looks to be a touch-integrated OLED panel, also known as “on-cell touch,” which was first featured in this year’s iPhone 13 range. And that’s a bit unique: typically, the lower-volume watch has been the first to adopt new display technologies (OLED, LTPO, always-on, variable refresh rate), while the massively popular iPhone could catch up later. This time, even if just by a few weeks, it’s the other way around.

AVvXsEiAMCKVDETF6pJKUCenAyZ710L8SxMYCWBthdm993yfdxkjKNWKd0OnPAsK8DW zM U7 WzvrKBTYHACDpwj ALTezpXodhy0ie7ZxitzewXKOHi39ojptwUMx4JkaBipx5pujMeuQyxjvbnJYY4XEq7mb3NBYvyUbJmmD0E25NpKDowhGMRPvVpv9EjA=w640 h360


While the battery life stays same at “up to 18 hours,” that doesn’t mean there aren’t any modifications to report—we discovered some unannounced adjustments as well.

AVvXsEhxyEbqTX7dChaca7holQ4fGc6VgjRnGGS rbeSiWnp7oQWLLdE1k7DPYtKU3zfbZ35AQxLkM 7i7nXXnDEw4JBg7rePlP3sQLIwAx9iAyeAvh9ZuQx5cVECAwMRIqwE9u2qlpm5Q7dqMKA0sqinJl1vqZl7dsTjG3IYgSVtqAi6 HBoKAiT ujvQak2A=w640 h360

We identified batteries with somewhat broader dimensions than last year in both 41 and 45 mm form factors, as well as slightly higher capacity and energy density. However, because the new bigger, brighter panels are expected to use more power, this leads to a net-zero improvement in total battery life. Both batteries have the same maximum and average voltages as previous versions, indicating that the cells’ chemistry hasn’t changed.

AVvXsEicHRbut9aq0LQEHvsPb7 yQlfmvg1TsH1chTZvvswBnK7DIMSvRlM5qRaChNt7AuoaV2JOi7S3yprw SHaaxowT SLJ0NudlkFi39B2r7MgNPLTp 4M1h6L9bj6rEkIZFmZ1PNOzssqBP6bup0gKrk3lVcKLpl3UVmSm8rjnuA04mDvobaprYwUnMsbA=w640 h480
➽41mm S7: 1.094 Wh 40mm S6: 1.024 Wh 40mm S6: 1.024 Wh (6.8% increase)

   ➽45mm S7: 1.189 Wh 44mm S6: 1.17 Wh 44mm S6: 1.17 Wh (1.6% increase)

Designing Speakers and Dust

A side from the screen and battery, the improvements are minor yet significant. Apple appears to have spent some time considering how everything comes together, since removing the Taptic Engine and speakers involves less fumbling with small brackets. In the realm of repair, the sleek design is recognized.

AVvXsEhSieYGcVc62nkXS7SgsNjJFaqtyFIKhWK xfvMoMBbXwaRUem8wUKeOSq4QK4VDIS5wIb96M NUFamBqbApstIzM9fcAG5Xk oaRM yy1Zj94qFqJ2b7A8rf7K8HDnLu73s6iWdt9O 6mJfrtWujx1yuK1QE5lTLYOLYJ Bhwkg lXXfAL111sDKX5TA=w640 h360

Another “new” feature is IP6X dust resistance. In his assessment, Marques claims that the dust resistance isn’t due to a new design or coating, but rather to the fact that Apple didn’t test for it before to the S7. In general, it makes sense—the watch was already water-resistant to a depth of 50 metres, and dust sealing is orders of magnitude more difficult. (Water resistance is the driving force behind the design, and it requires the harshest tests.)

In a Storm, Any Port

The S7 package is up next, which won’t feature a brand-new CPU this year but may have something else fascinating hidden inside.

AVvXsEgxKiNujoRRlu10WVhcMnGmtb11DK8RZOrQhuAM15zpdF2IgbGZCypNB6ZoQ4MSKIUg4qkjeEsV3p39TPxozmX9wfkexBhLidE mtOQHYW8RXrAEDC7Fp6iLMPsYhri2JAiftlqyNM5qd5ux04VmoGjjiteGMXbfy9ynH0eK OgtG8Plw9m6M8YYtaQA=w640 h480

The diagnostic port concealed in the watch band groove has been removed, which is one of the more startling outward modifications to this year’s watch. As according rumours, Apple is working on a new 60 Ghz wireless module that, when combined with a proprietary dock, will allow Apple to do the same diagnostics without using a physical connection.

AVvXsEg9Ejlf6GfADZxqljUx3KWJGc6oP5Utq YH0FeGmRPTkG uefmkoDR9nJJWA4h9lSY69Q5PMYsVhDzpqHCah7nbVAp7fyoX5xp8g79hKw0avPq0 9m aXdmjCo1Nw YBSgPWfCCF6HsWRogGThG4ez74VgDSBRS6 nehGgwMwwIoRQfHKgMyRYx9880sg=w640 h426

To quote our Instrumental partners, “we’re stunned!” That port was crucial for troubleshooting faulty devices as well as testing and loading software during assembly. (Not that it ever assisted third-party repair technicians, who are still barred from Apple’s service centre.)


We decided to test the feasibility of some typical Watch fixes before passing judgement on the Series 7 in the wake of the iPhone’s disappointing fall into less-repairable seas. Good news: our 45 mm model’s display and taptic engine changes went smoothly. With replacement components from a second watch, all functionality, including automatic display brightness, remained functioning.

AVvXsEhF07zD3ZRbU5MeorYein5KfRROOVIVU D0a7r246 DeSW3LiMeo06lGSTuRCYc1uTp7bGvBU8i eXxVkDi7 LPgx4aXQyqcXpXwQQhB Aq4SXTp69NbDKFnz2 ZLMgkcjr5KoOlHS6EI7wNYm1B jlwerEZ80N7vGVB2s8p74DZodrSd9D1DCBOIla5A=w640 h360

Battery replacements had the same results. Even better, watchOS was able to report the new battery’s “health,” which is no longer possible with a “unauthorized” iPhone battery switch.To top it off, the battery we saved from our Series 6 performed perfectly in the Series 7—not ideal, but good to know it works in an emergency!

source: IFIXIT


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