Meta is a company specialized in social technology.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg launched Meta at Connect 2021, a new business brand that connects our applications and technology. Meta’s mission will be to bring the metaverse to life by assisting individuals in connecting, forming communities, and expanding their companies.

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This metaverse will resemble a mix of today’s online social experiences, stretched into three dimensions or projected into the real world at times. This will allow you to enjoy immersive experiences with others even when you are unable to be physically there with them — and to perform tasks together that you would not be able to do in the actual world. It’s the next step in a long series of social technology, and it marks the start of a new era for our business. In a founder’s letter, Mark focused on this concept.


The annual Connect conference brings together developers, content producers, marketers, and others to celebrate the industry’s energy and progress. Next year’s virtual event looked at how people would interact in the metaverse over the next 10 years, from social interaction to entertainment, gaming, fitness, employment, education, and business. We also revealed new tools to assist individuals in creating for the metaverse, such as the Presence Platform, which will allow new mixed reality experiences on Quest 2, as well as a $150 million investment in immersive learning to teach the next generation of makers.

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At, you can view the whole Connect speech and discover more about how the metaverse will open up new possibilities. On our design blog, you can read more about our work developing the Meta brand over the last few months. 

Our Vision for the Metaverse in 2021

Horizon Home, Workplace of the Future, Presence Platform, and Other Topics

Update on Project Aria

How Virtual Reality is Changing the Way We Work and Collaborate

News in the Gaming Industry

Oculus Quest Is Getting ‘Blade & Sorcery: Nomad’

Roundup of AR Sparks

Professional Course Preview & Spark AR Certification

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The business structure will not change, but our financial reporting will. We propose to report on two operational segments beginning with the fourth quarter of 2021: Family of Apps and Reality Labs. On December 1, we plan to begin trading under the new stock symbol MVRS, which we have reserved. The announcement made today has no bearing on how we utilise or exchange data.


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