Time for a new Snapdragon era unveiled on November 30th.

Qualcomm revealed some modifications to its branding approach for mobile SoCs (which it refers to as platforms), as well as the fact that there are now more than 2 billion Snapdragon devices in use across the world, ahead of its Snapdragon Tech Summit on November 30.

Snapdragon Tech Summit

Qualcomm has confirmed recent rumours, saying it will switch to a new naming scheme for its mobile platforms. The names will imply “a single-digit serial and a generation number,” starting with the latest flagship platform in the Snapdragon 8 series. So without saying it outright, Qualcomm confirms that it won’t be Snapdragon 898 or something. like that it will be Snapdragon 8 Gen1. And then, in 2022, its successor will be Snapdragon 8 Gen2, and so on. It will be interesting to see what this means for lower-level chips, as the Snapdragon 7, 6, and 4 families have multiple members available in parallel. But for now, the company has been silent on all of this.

Subsequently, the Qualcomm name will appear much less in the names of mobile-related products. In fact, the company claims to have separated the Qualcomm and Snapdragon brands, and in the future, Snapdragon will be a stand-alone product brand “with specific ties to the Qualcomm brand, where applicable.” Fortunately, the “5G” suffix will be removed from mobile platform names in the future, as 5G has become ubiquitous enough to no longer warrant it.

Snapdragon Tech Summit

 Qualcomm is also committed to launching only 5G-enabled mobile platforms from this point forward, so there’s no need to point out the obvious. Changes are also underway for Snapdragon’s iconic “fireball” which “will gain new prominence and manifest  in new visuals and other creative executions.” New representative colours have also been introduced including Midnight, Gunmetal, Nickel, Snapdragon Red and Gold. Gold will now be used to represent only higher-level products. According to Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 will be officially unveiled at the Snapdragon Tech Summit on November 30.

What is it that is changing?

🔴From our logo to product badge designs and other graphic components, we’ve made significant adjustments to our visual system.

🔴The Qualcomm and Snapdragon brands have been split. Snapdragon will be a stand-alone product name in the future, with particular linkages to the Qualcomm brand when applicable.

🔴Midnight, Gunmetal, Nickel, Snapdragon Red, and Gold are some of the new representative hues.

🔴Our famous “fireball” will take on new meaning in the form of new visual assets and other creative executions.

🔴Our consumers will find it easier to locate and choose Snapdragon-powered devices thanks to a new streamlined and standardised naming structure for our platforms. Starting with our newest flagship Snapdragon 8-series platform, our mobile platforms will convert to a single-digit series and generation number, harmonising with other product categories.

🔴Only our premium-tier items will be represented by gold across our inventory.

🔴5G has grown so common in our Snapdragon Portfolio that it’s no longer necessary to spell it out on individual assets. 5G will be a given in the future with Snapdragon linked platforms.

🔴With all of this in mind, we’ve revamped our badges to have a cleaner, more contemporary, and straightforward appearance.

🔴Snapdragon Ride Platform and Snapdragon Digital Chassis, for example, are now 100 completely Snapdragon branded at the platform and experience layer level.


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