Nokia unveils its new logo: the start of a new era

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The Head of Nokia’s telecom equipment division, Pekka Lundmark, presented a three-phase plan: reset, accelerate, and scale. Nokia is altering its logo for the first time in 60 years to signify the change in strategy now that the first phase of the plan is complete.

Nokia Brand New Logo


Nokia will no longer use the color blue and will instead use whatever is more fitting given the circumstances, therefore no particular color scheme is allocated. Nokia is now an “enterprise technology company,” according to Lundmark, rather than just a maker of smartphones.


Nokia will concentrate on selling equipment to other businesses in addition to expanding its telecom equipment business. They include tools for automated manufacturing and private 5G networks, which would put the business in direct competition with Microsoft and Amazon in the market. Nokia is contemplating expanding and developing in further sectors, according to Lundmark.


In addition, Nokia is also looking to become involved in the development of autonomous vehicles, and digital health and security services.


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