Samsung Electronics Increase It’s own ‘Green Chip’ Line Of products.

memory products have received carbon footprint certification, with automotive LED enclosures joining the list of Samsung products to gain carbon footprint certification, setting the bar for the future. The effectiveness of memory goods in lowering carbon emissions has been recognised across the world, and an additional 20 memory products have gained carbon footprint certification.

Samsung's "green chip"

Samsung’s automotive LED housings additionally had their own carbon footprint verification, which was an industry first for automotive LED housings and added to Samsung’s “green chip” portfolio. It’s fantastic to see our environmental initiatives gain international acclaim “Samsung Electronics’ Senior Vice President and Head of the DS Corporate Sustainability Management Office, Seongdai Jang, stated. “Our voyage into the future will continue. With enhanced Samsung technology, “greener” chips are now conceivable.

The Carbon Trust’s ‘Reducing CO2’ Certification has been achieved by five memory products.

The Carbon Trust’s ‘Reducing CO2’ Certification has been achieved by five memory products. Five Samsung memory products – HBM2E (8 GB), GDDR6 (8 GB), UFS 3.1 (512 GB), T7 portable SSD (1 TB), MicroSD EVO Select (128 GB) – were recently awarded the “CO2 Reduction” labels. By Carbon Trust. Previous versions of the five products had received the  Carbon Trust “Measured CO2” certification last year. The Carbon Trust also recently certified the product carbon footprint of 20 memory products1 by awarding them the “measured CO2” product carbon footprint label. The Carbon Trust is an independent and experienced partner of organizations that advises companies on their opportunities in a sustainable and low-carbon world.

Samsung's "green chip"

 The Carbon Trust also certifies the environmental footprint of organizations, supply chains and products. The Reducing CO2 label certifies that a product’s carbon footprint has been reduced. Samsung was able to reduce the carbon emissions of the five memory products through increased manufacturing efficiency. This means that less electricity and raw materials per chip were used. For the T7 SSD (1TB) laptop, Samsung used environmentally friendly paper rather than plastic as the packaging material to minimize the carbon footprint of the product. Samsung estimates that the volume of carbon emissions reduced by the five products, after their release until July 2021, is around 680,000 tonnes of CO2, which is equivalent to 11.3 million urban tree seedlings. cultivated for ten years or greenhouse emitted by 149,000 cars driven in one year.

Samsung's "green chip"

UL has verified the carbon footprint of C-series 3W Automotive LEDs.

Four Cseries 3W automotive LED housings manufactured by Samsung – Gen3 (3rd Generation) 3W White, Gen3 3W Amber, Gen2 (2nd Generation) 3W White and Gen2 3W Amber – have received ISO 140643 carbon footprint verification from UL.UL. , the world leader in security science, provides testing, inspection and certification,  risk management and consulting services, decision support tools, training and business intelligence offerings for helping clients based in over 100 countries solve critical business challenges, achieve sustainability goals and prepare for future opportunities. 

Samsung's "green chip"

Cseries 3W Automotive LED assemblies are energy-efficient products that absorb less energy but produce more light, reduce car carbon emissions by improving energy efficiency and provide a greater range for electric vehicles with a single charge. “UL commends Samsung for continuing to verify the carbon footprint of its four Cseries 3W automotive LED housings, which will help the five automakers select products with transparent and verified information about their environmental footprint,” said Doug Lockard, UL Vice President and General Manager of Retail. and Consumer Products Group. “By understanding the carbon impact of products, manufacturers like Samsung can strive to reduce these impacts and improve the environmental performance of products over time.

DDR6 / GDDR6+ memory solutions from Samsung will be 2x faster.

DDR6 memory is being developed by Samsung Semiconductor for next-generation computer products. Customers will have to wait at least a few years for the new standard, which will be twice as fast as the present DDR5 option. Samsung also mentioned the future of GDDR memory, which is critical for graphics cards, in addition to DDR6 memory, which will be utilised with CPUs.

Samsung Semiconductor

According to a recent article from ComputerBase, the corporation is still in the early phases of DDR6 research, but the standard might be finished in 2024 through continuing work with JEDEC members. JEDEC is an independent semiconductor standards body with over 300 members. 


In every way, DDR6 will be twice as fast as DDR5.

Once DDR6 memory is available, customers should experience data rates twice as fast as DDR5 solutions. Similar to how DDR5 doubled DDR4 data rates, the upcoming DDR6 standard is expected to do the same and thus achieve transfer rates of around 12,800 Mbps on JEDEC modules. That is about 17,000 Mbps overclocked.

Samsung Semiconductor

Additionally, DDR6 will have twice as many memory channels as DDR5, i.e. four 16-bit channels and 64 memory banks. As for LPDDR6 (Low Power DDR), Samsung doesn’t seem to plan to increase transfer speeds over LPDDR5, but the company is reportedly looking to achieve a 20% increase in power efficiency. 

GDDR6 will be replaced by GDDR6+ by Samsung.

While Samsung will likely release GDDR7 in the distant future, the company plans to offer a faster solution than GDDR6 as a bridge between the two generations first. Called GDDR6 +, the memory standard will be an improvement over GDDR6. GDDR6 + memory would reach speeds of up to 24 Gbps per pin, meaning GPUs with 256-bit buses could achieve a bandwidth of up to 768 Gbps. In turn, GPUs with a bus of 320 bits or more could exceed 1TB / s of bandwidth.

Samsung Semiconductor

As for what’s coming after GDDR7, it could be twice as fast as GDDR6 and a max throughput of 32Gbps per pin. However, there is no official roadmap for GDDR7, so the next GDDR6 + solution could take its place for a few years to come.


Samsung’s Cutting-Edge technology 2.5D Integration H-Cube Solution Announced.

Samsung Electronics, a leading global in advanced semiconductor technology, today announced HybridSubstrate Cube (H-Cube) technology, it’s own latest 2.5D semiconductor packaging option special for HPC, AI products, networking, and data centre requirements which necessitate large-scale packaging technology.

2.5D Integration H-Cube

 “The H-Cube solution, developed in collaboration with Samsung ElectroMechanics (SEMCO) and Amkor Technology, is ideal for high-performance semiconductors requiring the integration of a significant number of silicon chips,” stated Moonsoo Kang, senior vice president and head of Samsung Electronics’ Foundry Business Model Team.” We will supply numerous packaging options to achieve a resolution in the issues our clients suffer by expanding and improving the foundry ecosystem.”

“In today’s environment, at which systems integration is becoming more important as well as surface supplies are becoming scarce, Samsung Foundry and Amkor Technology have successfully developed the H-Cube code to overcome this challenge,” stated “ JinYoung Kim, vice president of Amkor Technology’s Global RandD Center. “That invention lowers the entrance hurdle into the HPC/AI sector and illustrates a successful collaboration and partnership between both the foundry and the Companies outsource Semiconductor Running tests and Assembly (OSAT) firm.”

Structure and Functions of the H-Cube

In a compact form factor, the 5D package allows users to install logic chips or high bandwidth memory (HBM) on top of a silicon supplements. Samsung’s H-Cube system involves a hybrid platform with a fine pitch platform capable of fine bump connections and a high density interconnection (HDI), allowing huge sizes to be implemented in a 2.5D packaging. Large-area packaging is becoming more significant when the quantity & size of chips put in a package grows or increases, as the consider in the HPC, AI, and network application market sectors have recently increased. It is necessary to have high-speed broadband communication. Fine pitch substrates are required for the attachment and connecting of silicon chips, including the interposer, but their costs rise significantly as the size grows.

2.5D Integration H-Cube
Concept of H-Cube™ Package Structure

If six or more HBMs are combined, the challenge of creating the huge substrate grows quickly, lowering efficiency. Samsung resolved the challenge by using a hybrid substrate structure that combines easy-to-process HDI substrates with a high-end fine-pitch platform over a large expanse. Due to a 35 percent reduction in solder ball pitch, that electrically links the chip and platform, the size of the fine pitched platform may be reduced, while an HDI substrate (PCB module) can be added beneath the fine pitch substrate for secure interaction with the board system. Furthermore, in order to increase the H-Cube solution’s dependability, Samsung’s unique power and signal integrity analysis technology has been used to deliver steady power while reducing signal loss or distortion while stacking numerous logical and HBM chips.

The world’s first LPDDR5X DRAM is developed by Samsung.

Samsung’s LPDDR5X DRAM offers over 1.3x higher processing rates while using over 20% less power than the prior LPDDR5 technology. Outside smartphones, the LPDDR5X solution will expand the usage of high-performance, low-power memory to AI and IoT technologies.


Samsung Electronics, a global leader in innovative memory technology, today announced the development of the industry’s first 14-nanometer (nm) based 16-gigabit (Gb) Low Power Double Data Rate 5X (LPDDR5X) DRAM, targeted at improving development in high-speed data development services such as 5G, AI, and the virtual world.

“Hyperconnected market areas such as AI, smart glasses (AR), and the metaverse, which rely on highly fast big data processing, have been quickly developing in recent times,” stated SangJoon Hwang, Senior Vice President and Head of Samsung Electronics’ DRAM Design Team. “In out LPDDR5X will expand the usage of high-performance, low-power memory beyond smartphones, bringing new possibilities to AI-based utilized to expand such as servers and even automobiles,” says the company.


Samsung’s LPDDR5X is a next-generation mobile DRAM that improves speed, capacity, and power efficiency for future 5G applications. Samsung introduced the industry’s first 8GB LPDDR5 DRAM in 2018, and the firm is now expanding beyond mobile markets with the introduction of the first 16GB LPDDR5X DRAM.


Its LPDDR5X DRAM will have processing capabilities of up to 8.5 gigabits per second (Gbps), which is more than 1.3 times better than the 6.4 Gbps of LPDDR5. This will require roughly 20% less power than LPDDR5 memory, thanks to the industry’s most sophisticated 14nm DRAM production technology. Also, the 16GB LPDDR5X chip will allow for up to 64 gigabytes (GB) of memory per memory packet.

Samsung will begin working with global chipset makers later this year to develop a more possible framework for the growing world of virtual reality, with its LPDDR5X acting as a crucial component of that groundwork.


With continuing advances in performance and power efficiency, the business will strive to expand its industry-leading mobile DRAM range, while also cementing its leading position with increased production flexibility.

A new DDR5 DRAM 14nm EUV technology is being mass produced by Samsung.

This industry-leading five-layer EUV process gives Samsung the highest bit density DRAM on the market, resulting in a 20 percent improvement in productivity over the latest DDR5 standard. Using Samsung’s 14nm DRAM, AI workloads and 5G workloads can be handled efficiently.

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The world’s leading memory company, Samsung Electronics, today announced the advent of its ultra-thin, nanoscale 14 nanometer (nm) high-speed DRAM, manufactured with EUV technology. The industry’s first EUV DRAM was delivered last March by Samsung, and Samsung has now increased layer counts to five so that its products are built with the most robust and advanced DRAM processes available today DDR5. Senior Vice President and Head of DRAM Products and Technologies at Samsung Electronics.

Today, Samsung is taking a new technological step forward with the multilayer UVV which has enabled extreme miniaturization at 14nm, a feat not possible with the conventional argon fluoride (ArF) process.  this advancement we will continue to provide more differentiated memory solutions by fully addressing the need for better, more capable cities in the data-driven world of 5G, artificial intelligence and metaverse. As DRAM continues to expand the 10nm range , EUV technology is becoming more and more important to improve the accuracy of models for higher performance and yields. 

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With five EUV layers at its 14nm DRAM, Samsung has achieved the highest bit density while improving overall productivity wafers by about 20% The 14nm process can help reduce power consumption by up to 20% compared to the previous generation DRAM node.

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Taking advantage of the latest DDR5 standard, Samsung’s 14nm DRAM will help unlock unprecedented speeds of up to 7.2 gigabits per second (Gbps), more than double the DDR4 speed of up to 3 , 2 Gbit / s. Samsung plans to expand its 14nm DDR5 portfolio to support enterprise data center, supercomputer and server applications. Additionally, Samsung plans to increase the density of its DRAM chip from 14nm to 24GB to better meet the rapidly growing data demands of global computer systems.

Samsung announces when it will begin manufacturing 2nm, 3nm, and 4nm chips.

 Samsung revealed its plans to manufacture semiconductor chips in mass quantities using 2nm, 3nm, and 4nm fabrication technologies. Samsung Foundry Forum 2021 brought this statement here. The world’s largest reminiscence chip logo unveiled that it’ll retain emigrate procedure technology for quicker and extra green chips, which might be in big demand, specifically because the COVID-19 pandemic.

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South Korean firm Samsung Electronics announced that its 4nm technology has already been mass manufactured into chips. Additionally, Samsung Foundry found out that it will begin mass-producing semiconductor chips built on 3nm technology in the first half of 2022. Compared to the firm’s 5nm EUV process, its 3nm EUV process uses a GAA (Gate All Around) layout that can decrease bundle area by up to 35%, with better performance by 30%, as well as reduce power consumption by 50%.
AVvXsEjo9Z6t6y6WXppzRVtBLPmZmVqLXHyU5zlOogWkYjLSKsOAduO qZOPkfc5XVqBtCvI1Vqd9aqe5wq69RbSyQRwObLokRHlsb3xzqBuSnbM3cMuT79I53AdMfakVymRL1ZMPQHeMZN4428nQUO3RnUju1S DGcao0gf5mnqZ5hxuogK0dxAk3uxALimkg=w640 h360

The corporation additionally discovered that its 3nm technique’ yield is already coming near 4nm levels. Samsung’s second-technology 3nm procedure could be prepared for mass manufacturing someday in 2023. Samsung stated that it has currently introduced the 2nm technique node to its roadmap, and it’s miles presently below development. The corporation expects to begin the mass manufacturing of 2nm chips in 2025. This is the primary time Samsung is speaking approximately a 2nm technique, and it looks as if an optimized model of its 3nm technique node.

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Samsung First Global Carbon Footprint Certification for Chips.

 Four high-performance, low-power chips have won the Carbon Trust label for measuring product carbon emissions, paving the way for reducing carbon emissions.

Carbon Footprint Certification 3

Samsung’s Green Manufacturing Efforts Continue to Expand Product Range Samsung Electronics, a global leader in advanced semiconductor technology, announced today that four LSI products have received the Carbon Trust Product Carbon Footprint Label, the first Samsung logic chip to do so. With the Semiconductor Industry’s first carbon certification for memory chips from the Carbon Trust in 2019, Samsung has expanded its ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) spectrum by globally recognizing its green logic chip.

Samsung also achieved the Carbon Trust’s first three industry standards for carbon, water and waste in June 2021. World advises companies on their capabilities in a sustainable manner. The Carbon Trust also measures and certifies the environmental impact of organizations, supply chains and products. Among the various certification categories of the Carbon Trust, Samsung Systems LSI products have received a CO2 label.

Carbon Footprint Certification 2

Samsung ISOCELL HP1 200-megapixel and ISOCELL GN5 50-megapixel mobile image sensor announce.

The industry’s first 200MP 0.64ÎĽm resolution and new ChameleonCell pixel clustering technology. ISOCELL GN5 is an ultra-thin 1.0ÎĽm 50MP sensor with high autofocus. Samsung Electronics, a world leader in advanced semiconductor technology, today introduced the ISOCELL HP1 200-megapixel (MP) 0.64ÎĽm pixel and ISOCELL GN5 image sensor. first image sensor to use Dual Pixel Pro omnidirectional technology with two photodiodes per 1.0 µm pixel.

Isocell HP1 and Isocell GN5


“Samsung was the first to invent ultra-fine pixel technology that takes high-resolution image sensors to the next level,” said Dakhyun Chang, executive vice president of sensor manufacturing at Samsung Electronics. With ISOCELL HP1 breaking down barriers and ISOCELL GN5 offering lightning-fast autofocus, Samsung will continue to lead the way in next-generation mobile imaging technology. ISOCELL HP1: Capture the world in stunning 200MP video, and the Crystal Sharp 8K ISOCELL HP1 is the industry’s first 200MP portable image sensor. In modern wearable devices.

Isocell HP1

Samsung ElectroMechanics MLCC Development for ADAS

Samsung ElectroMechanics announced on the 12th that it has developed two types of automotive MLCCs, which are part of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and # 40; ADAS ‘, a safe driving system essential for autonomous vehicles. (MLCC) is the main component of electronic devices that control the steady-state current in the circuit of electronic products and is required for smartphones, home appliances and cars.


recognize and assess possible situations during autonomous driving, including lane keep assist & # 40; LKAS & # 41; Surround View Monitor (SVM) and Intelligent Cruise Control (SCC). As vehicle functions improve, the number of semiconductor and high-performance components installed inside the vehicle is gradually increasing. In particular, the requirement for a self-propelled vehicle with a reliable power supply (source) and noise cancellation capability for various ICs to receive the signal quickly also requires small size and high MLCC capacity.


Due to the lack of installation space with the increase in the number of components. size 0603 (width 0.6mm, length 0.3mm) and capacitance 100nF (nanofarad) and also high power product with 3216 (width 3.2mm, 1.6 mm) and a capacity of 47 ÎĽF (microfarads). ※ 1 ÎĽm (micro) = 1000 n (nano) MLCC 0603 delivers the same 100 nF (nanofarad) power as 1005, with a 64% reduction in surface area compared to size 1005 (1.0 mm width, length 0.5 mm). This product is installed on the signal head of the vehicle’s electronic control unit (ECU) to eliminate interference from ambient signals and accurately transmit the signal. In addition, the new product has twice the flexural strength of the standard product, which prevents the MLCC from being damaged by shocks and vibrations while driving, increasing product reliability. Specifically, the product complies with AECQ200, the automotive electronic component reliability test standard, so it can be used not only in ADAS but also in other applications such as body, chassis and infotainment system.


Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 prime Edition is officially released

smartphone will be available in India in two colors exclusively offered by Amazon. The 64GB version is priced at 12,499 Indian rupees (approximately US$170) and will be available on the original Galaxy M21 on July 26, 2021. It has the same 6.4-inch Super AMOLED InfinityU screen with Full HD + resolution, Gorilla Glass 3 front protection and plastic case.

Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 prime Edition is officially released

However, the back is different from the Galaxy M21. It has diagonal lines and is available in two colors: Arctic Blue and Dark Black.There is a fingerprint reader on the back, a 20MP selfie camera and a 48MP triple camera on the back, the 48MP camera sensor is upgraded to ISOCELL GM2, the real 48MP can be equipped with a camera and a 5MP camera depth sensor.

Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 prime Edition is officially released

Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 prime Edition is officially released