Nothing Phone 1 shows video

Nothing Phone 1 shows video

Nothing just unveiled official photographs of its impending first smartphone, the Nothing Phone 1, yesterday, and now, a few videos from an event in Switzerland have leaked demonstrating how the gadget appears in real life.

The Nothing Phone 1 is all about providing something entertaining and unique to the “boring” world of smartphone debuts, according to creator Carl Pei. The design is perhaps the most enjoyable aspect of this phone. It has a translucent back that shows off the layers of components as well as the connecting pieces and screws, but the highlight is an array of LED light strips that make a distinctive design. During the event, we can witness how each of these LED light strips may glow and flash alone or in concert.

Nothing Phone 1 video

Nothing Phone 1 shows video

Another characteristic not immediately apparent in the shot is that the two rear cameras really protrude from the back. Some have raced to compare the design of the Nothing Phone 1 to that of the iPhone X, and although there are some similarities, this feature alone serves to distinguish the two.

The phone 1 sides are flat, and the frame is constructed entirely of recyclable aluminium. On the right, there’s a power button, and on the left, there are two different volume buttons. There is a USB-C charging connector and a speaker grill on the bottom, but no headphone jack.

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And that was about all that was revealed during the event, as the reporters were not permitted to handle the phone, but certainly, more information will be released shortly.

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To refresh your memory, the Nothing Phone 1 is said to have an upper mid-range Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and a price of roughly $500, making it far less expensive than today’s flagships.

Can a new phone company break into an already crowded and mature market dominated by existing firms that have been producing phones for years? Nothing is aware that its prospects are small, yet it is willing to take a chance. What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe it has a chance?

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